Annwyl Rhieni,
Rwy’n ymwybodol bod llawer o’n disgyblion yn defnyddio appiau cymdeithasol ar eu ffonau/tabledi, ac mae hyn yn creu peth anawsterau iddynt.
Rydym wedi gweld nifer o achlysuron diweddar ble mae staff wedi treulio llawer iawn o amser yn ceisio datrys sefyllfaoedd phroblemau sydd wedi digwydd oherwydd bod y plant yn defnyddio appiau megis Snapchat/WhatsApp ayyb. Rwy’f o’r farn bod ein disgyblion cynradd rhy ifanc i fod yn defnyddio appiau o’r math yma gan nad oes ganddynt y gallu emosiynol digon aeddfed i dderbyn ac i drin sgyrsiau.
Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol bod oedolion yn cysylltu â’n disgyblion ni yn gofyn am luniau; da iawn i’r disgyblion am wrthod gwneud, ond eto mae staff yr ysgol yn treulio amser gwerthfawr yn delio a hyn ac yn trafod gyda disgyblion er mwyn ceisio dod i ddatrys beth sydd yn wraidd i’r broblem.
Gofynnaf yn garedig i chi dreulio peth amser rheolaidd yn gwirio cyfrifon digidol eich plant rhag ofn eu bod yn defnyddio appiau sydd ddim yn addas i’w hoedran, a”ch bod chi hefyd yn dangos diddordeb yn beth mae’ eich plant yn gwylio ar eu ffonau/tabledi er mwyn sicrhau bo’r cynnwys yn addas iddynt-mi synnwch chi ar y math o iaith/gemau maer ambell i blentyn yn defnyddio a medrai ond dychmygu mae ar-lein maent yn clywed/gweld iaith o’r fath yn cael ei ddefnyddio!
Mae gen i ofal am bob un o ddisgyblion yr ysgol ac os byddaf yn amau bod disgybl mewn peryg oherwydd eu hymddygiad ar-lein byddaf yn cysylltu â Gwasanaethau Plant a/neu’r Heddlu er mwyn iddynt ystyried y camau priodol i’w cymryd.
Dear Parents,
I am aware that many of our pupils use social media apps on their phones/tablets, and this creates some difficulties for them.
We have seen this on a number of occasions recently and staff have had to spend a great deal of time trying to resolve situations and problems that have occurred because of the children’s use of apps such as Snapchat/WhatsApp etc outside of school. I am of the opinion that our primary pupils are too young to be using apps of this type as they do not have the emotional capacity to accept and handle some of the online conversations.
I am also aware that adults contact our pupils asking for pictures; well done to the pupils for refusing to do so, but staff spend a lot of their valuable time dealing with the fallout and discussing with the pupils in order to try and resolve what was at the root of the problem.
I kindly ask that you spend some regular time checking your children’s digital accounts in case they are using apps that are not suitable for their age, and that you also show an interest in what your children are watching on their phones/tablets to ensure that the content is suitable for them – it astounds me what kind of language/games some children use and can only imagine that it’s online that they hear/see such language being used.
I have a duty of care to all of my pupils and if I feel they are at risk of harm due to their online activity I will be making a referral to Children’s Services and/or the Police so that they can look into the matter and consider any further actions.
G Jones
Pennaeth / Headteacher