Diolch am eich amynedd heddiw gan fod yr ysgol ar gau.
Bwriadwn agor y ddwy safle i blant yfory 10/1/25 am 10 o’r gloch y bore er mwyn rhoi digon o amser i gymaint o staff ag sydd bosib i gyrraedd yr ysgol yn ddiogel, ac hefyd er mwyn ceisio lleihau risg i ddisgyblion wrth iddynt deithio i’r ysgol.
Bydd y Clwb Brecwast ar gau yfory.
Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your patience today due to the school being shut.
We fully intend on opening both school sites to pupils tomorrow 10/1/25, but at the later time of 10am; this will allow extra time for as many members of staff as possible to arrive at school whilst also hopefully reducing the risk to pupils as they travel to school during what could be a treacherous journey.
Breakfast Club will be closed tomorrow.
Gwyn Jones