Disgo Santes Dwynwen yfory/Santes Dwynwen disco tomorrow

Cofiwch dewch i ddathlu a dawnsio yn disgo Santes Dwynwen yfory.

Diwrnod dillad eich hunain, gwisgwch ddillad parti, cofiwch wisgo rhywbeth coch/ pinc i ddathlu. 

Meithrin – bl.2 10 – 10:45yb
Bl.3- 6 3:15 -4:15 yp

£2 yr un talu drwy school gateway

cynnwys diod a byrbryd.

Remember to come and celebrate and dance at the Santes Dwynwen disco tomorrow.

Own clothes day, wear party clothes and something red or pink to celebrate.

Nursery – yr.2 10am – 10:45am
Yr.3- 6 3:15 -4:15pm

£2 each payable via school gateway 

includes drink and snack.