Helo rhieni Ysgol Croes Atti,
Y Criw Cymraeg sydd yma. Dyma Artist ar gyfer mis Hydref sef Alys Williams. Roedd Alys yn gystadleuydd ar ‘Y Voice’. Plis fedrwch chi chwarae y caneuon yn y cartref gymaint a phosib? Rydym ni eisiau i pawb glywed a mwynhyau y miwsig.
Y Criw Cymraeg
Hello Parents of Croes Atti,
We are the Welsh council in school. Our Welsh Music Artist for this month is Alys Williams. Alys was a contender on ‘The Voice’. Can you please play the music at home as much as possible? We want everyone to enjoy and listen to the music.
Thank you,
Y Criw Cymraeg